I'm using bashpodder.shell for my podcast client. I run it directly from the usb2-connect hard drive in my iriver hp140 player. Usually I plug the usb cable into the iriver and run bashpodder manually while I'm getting ready to leave the house. Sometimes I need abort the bashpoder process with a control-c if it is time to leave before all the podcasts are downloaded. I've made a number of tweaks that make it more useful for me.The changes can be turned on by setting variables at the beginning of the script, or by calling bashpodder with certain parameters. The default behaviors of the script have not changed, AFAIK. Verbose mode: (-v --verbose) I always run bashpodder manually from the shell and I like to see how it is progressing, so I added a number of echo statements. Verbose mode also turns off the "quiet" option in wget, so I can see how the current file download is progressing. wget continue option: I often want to stop the download process before it completes, so I added the -c flag to wget. With wget_continue, any aborted download starts where it left off the last time bashpodder ran. --catchup_all: This option writes all urls to the log file without downloading the actual podcasts. This is useful if you want to subscribe to some podcasts but don't want to download all the back issues. You can edit the podcast.log file afterwards to delete any url you still wish to download next time bashpodder is run. --first_only: This option grabs only the first enclosed file found in each rss feed. The --catchup_all flag won't work with this option. If you want to download the first file and also permanently ignore the older files, run bashpodder with this option, and then run it again with --catchup_all. -u, --url_list The urls in bp.conf are ignored. The url(s) provided on the command line are fetched instead. The urls should point to rss feeds. If used, this needs to be the last option on the command line. This can be used to quickly download just a favorite podcast, or to take a few new podcasts for a trial spin. m3u sorting: added -1rc flag to the ls command, so the m3u list has the same order as the urls in bp.conf convert m3u to dos line endings: my iriver only can use m3u's formated with msdos-style line endings, so I made an option to convert the unix-style bashpodder m3u file to dos-style line endings using unix2dos. unique m3u filenames: My player was showing the same name for all the m3u files, so I added the date string to the m3u filename. Usage message: Running with -h or --help flags now shows usage notes Bittorrent: (--bittorrent) Option to run bittorrent on any .torrent files. Probably best only used with verbose mode. Sync disk: (--sync_disks) Option to run the unix sync command twice to flush any cached date to the drives. This lessens the chance of corrupting the drive on my player when I unplug the usb cable. Brian Hefferan